posted by DGDragon 2014. 11. 4. 22:19

Hey everyone. Here are our latest updates to the plan.

Firstly and most significantly, the change to decloaking mechanics has been put on hold indefinitely. We are going to take some more time to work on the best way to have ships interact with cloakies and it's very possible that our eventual changes will be significantly different than what we talked about earlier. For now, cloaked ships will not decloak each other.

We're also going to be removing some of the earlier increase in signature radius and shifting it to a penalty on the bomb launcher itself. The T1 bomb launcher will add +10m signature radius and the T2 will add 12m.

We're increasing the capacity of the T2 bomb launcher to 300m3.

The Focused Void Bomb will have an explosion radius of 5000m, 1000m more than originally proposed.

Both the new bomb and new interdiction probe will be made available exclusively in the Syndicate LP store.

The new interdiction probe will be delayed slightly as we've run into some graphical issues with it that we'll need more time to properly fix.

We've sourced a lot of these changes from this thread, thanks to everyone who has been providing feedback.

첫번째, 그리고 가장 중요한 변경 사항은, 디클락 메카니즘 변경이 무기한 홀드되었다는 것. 우리는 클락쉽들간의 상호작용을 적용하는 최선의 방법을 작업하는데 있어 시간이 더 필요하며, 우리가 앞서 얘기했던(역주: 클락쉽들이 서로 디클락하는 것) 방법보다 매우 다른 방법이 될 가능성이 높음. 현재로서(역주: 포이베에서도)는 클락쉽들은 서로를 디클락하지 않음.

우리는 또한 시그니처 반경 증가를 취소하고, 이 페널티를 대신 밤 런처에 붙임. T1 밤 런처는 시그니처를 10m 증가시키고, T2 밤 런처는 12m 증가시킴.

T2 밤 런처의 용량이 300m3로 증가함.

Focused Void Bomb의 폭발 반경이 원래보다 1,000m 증가하여 5,000m가 됨.

새 밤과 새 인딕 프로브가 Syndicate LP store 독점 공급이 됨.

새 인딕 프로브는 그래픽 문제가 생겨, 실전 투입은 포이베보다 좀 뒤로 밀림.

위 사항은 모두 오리지널 포스트에 반영했음. 피드백 바람.