posted by DGDragon 2013. 10. 6. 18:00

Good feedback, replying to some points:

Is the ship itself required in the mastery level?

No, the ship competency itself is dealt through Spaceship Command skills, which is shown int he "requirement" tab and through the relevant skill icon. Spaceship Command skills tell you if you can fly the ship or not, masteries give a recommend ship layout. Both are relevant.

배타는데 마스터리 레벨을 충족시킬 필요는 없음.

How about Tech2 ammunition, will the skill requirements change too?

Yes, all the Tech2 ammos require the Turret specialization skills, which are the ones being changed in the first place - sorry, should have been clearer in the blog.

T2 총알을 쓰기 위해선 해당 터렛의 스페셜라이제이션 스킬이 필요함.

That's all nice and fancy, but what are you doing with HULL TANKING ELITE? Because it's a well-known fact that REAL MEN HULL HONOR TANK.

CCP Rise mentioned this issue a while back - this Certificate will go away in the new system (merged within Armor certificate). However, since it's serious business, we'll look into several options, but no promises P

진짜 남자 갑빠 탱킹의 상징 헐 탱킹 엘리트가 아머 자격증에 흡수되어 사라짐.

Are there any ways to expose, or share skill proficiencies?

We are removing the "set as public" option for certificates, so not for now, but with the use of the API we're fairly sure third-party applications will take over.

자격증의 "set as public" 옵션 삭제.

In the blog, why do all Turrets require "Large / Medium / Small Turret" at 4 except for Amarr turrets, that are at 5?

It's a typo, they all require level 5. If you look on the same screenshot, under the sub-requirements, level 5 is needed as part of the specialization skill anyway.

아마르 터렛의 5레벨 필요 사항은 오타.

Why do you require useless skills like "Astronautics Rigging" 5 for level 5 Certificates / Masteries?

Level 5 Certificates and Masteries mean that the player has totally maxed all skills available for that ship hull, no matter their relevance. It's meant as a very-high level goal and status symbol. It's to be able to say, that like the Immortals in the Persian Army in that 300 movie, you have everything trained and part of the elite. Well, until you meet some half-naked loincloth dudes with HULL TANKING ELITE guarding that Thermopylae chokepoint that is. Then you're screwed P

레벨 5 자격증 / 마스터리에 왜 "Astronautics Rigging" 같은 필요없는 스킬을 필요조건으로 넣어놨나?

레벨 5는 특별하니깐여.

Could we get notification / pop-ups when unlocking achievements?

You could, and that's a fair point. I'll forward that around.

업적 언락할 때 알려주거나 알림창 뜨는 건 어떰?
