posted by DGDragon 2015. 1. 7. 12:37

Hey everyone. Hope you've all had a great holiday season. Most of us are back at the office now, and we're putting the final preparations in place for the Proteus release next week.

One of the tweaks we are making in Proteus is to the scan resolution of Fighters and Fighter Bombers, both of which are being reduced quite significantly.
우리가 프로테우스에서 조정하려고 하는 것 중 하나는 파이터와 파이터 바머의 스캔 레졸루션인데, 이 둘을 겁나게 줄일 거임.

The primary goal of this change is to ensure that rapidly scooping and relaunching fighters and fighter bombers never gives a dps advantage. This practice has not been widespread thus far, but any possible advantage gained this way would both provide imbalanced DPS and cause significant server load so we want to nip it in the bud.
이 변화의 주목적은 파이터와 파이터 바머를 드론 베이에 집어넣었다 뺐다하면서 실질 DPS를 늘리는 것을 방지하기 위함임. 이 행위는 현재 널리 퍼져있지는 않으나, 밸런스가 맞지 않는 DPS를 제공하고 서버 부하를 크게 늘리기 때문에 싹을 자르기로 했음.

The changes will also have the effect of delaying the initial alpha strike of fighters and fighter bombers, especially against subcaps. Although it is not the primary purpose of the change we are not displeased by this effect, and we do not believe that it will make fighters or fighter bombers underpowered.
이 변화는 파이터와 파이터 바머의 초탄 발사 시간을 지연시키는 효과 또한 가져오는데, 특히 섭캡 대상으로 그러함. 이는 우리가 이 밸런싱에서 첫번째로 의도하지는 않은 사항이나 파이터나 파이터 바머가 딱히 약해질거라고 생각치는 않음.

I know that some people who are hoping for a major nerf to assigned fighters will be unhappy that this change will only have a small-moderate effect on that activity. We have been keeping a close eye on the way fighters are used ever since our recent rounds of drone rebalancing and we aren't ruling out any potential future changes at this time. However we are not going to rush into any larger changes to fighter mechanics.
분양된 파이터에 대한 대대적인 칼질을 기대하는 이들에겐 이 작은 변화가 불만일 수 있는 것을 암. 우리는 현재 최근 드론 리밸런싱 이후 파이터가 활용되는 방향을 예의주시하고 있으며 지금 시점에선 장래에 잠재적인 추가 변경 가능성을 배제하지 않고있다(역주: 더 바꿀 수도 있음). 그러나 파이터 메카닉에 더 큰 변화를 줄 생각은 없음.

The new numbers are:
Type - Old Scan Res – New Scan Res
Dragonfly - 200 - 100
Einherji - 350 - 175
Firbolg - 250 - 125
Templar - 300 - 150
Cyclops – 250 - 27
Malleus - 300 - 29
Mantis - 200 - 25
Shadow – 225 - 30
Tyrfing - 350 - 31

Thanks everyone, and happy New Year!

posted by DGDragon 2015. 1. 7. 10:41
We are disappointed too with having to pull back the resists for fleets. These ships just need that drawback to balance them at smaller scales where they are more likely to get used anyway.

플릿을 위한 레지를 이전으로 되돌린 건 우리로서도 참 유감이다. 하지만 이 배들에겐 소규모 스케일에서의 교전의 밸런스를 위해 그 약점을 달아둘 수 밖에 없었다.

We have T3 rebalance, black ops rebalance, and potential ewar module changes on the horizon to help address this as well.
그리고 이 함의 위치 조정을 위해 T3 리밸런스, 블옵 리밸런스, 그리고 전자전 모듈 변화가 곧 있을 것이다.

posted by DGDragon 2015. 1. 7. 10:33

Hello again o/

Finally, finally, Recons. I know you guys have been asking for a long time now so even though timing was pretty tight with vacations coming up I want to get this class in for January.

We had a few big goals with Recons:
우리는 리콘에 대해 크게 다음 목표를 설정했음:

Give Combat Recons something to make them stand out as a unique and interesting set of ships
컴뱃 리콘이 뭔가 특별하면서도 흥미있는 함종이 되기를 바람.

Close the gap somewhat between Recons and T3 Cruisers, though this will also be a goal during the T3 Cruiser rebalance
리콘과 T3 크루저 사이의 갭을 줄이길 바라며, 이는 리콘만이 아니라 T3 크루저 리밸런싱의 목표이기도 함(역주: 즉 리콘의 버프가 모자라보인다면 나머지 부분은 T3 크루저 리밸런싱 때 깎아서 맞출테니 버프 부족하다고 설레발치지 말라는 의미).

Align Recons around ship developer trends established in other classes (Roden Lachesis should not use missiles for example)
다른 함종과 마찬가지로, 각 함의 개발사들의 개발 트렌트에 맞춘 보너스로 맞춤(예를 들어 라케시스는 로덴사가 개발한 함인데, 로덴사는 미사일 안 씀).

Address any other general balance issues or pain points (hello Pilgrim)
그외 여타 일반적인 밸런스 문제 바로잡기(필그림 안녕?)

Those goals lead us to the following major changes:
위 목표에 따른 주요 변경점은 아래와 같음:

Combat Recons will now be permanently undetectable by directional scanners
컴뱃 리콘들은 이제 디렉셔널 스캐너에 영구히 탐지 안 됨(역주: 포스 리콘 얘기 없음).

All eight Recons will have the capacitor cost of warping reduced by roughly half
모든 8종의 리콘쉽은 워프시 캐퍼시터 소모가 대략 반으로 줄어듬.

Where appropriate, bonuses will be adjusted to match ship developer trends
대체적으로, 각 함 개발사들의 트렌트에 맞춘 보너스를 적용할 거임.

All eight Recons are having their capacitor pool and capacitor regeneration buffed (roughly 20% increase in cap regen)
모든 8종의 리콘쉽은 캐퍼시터 용량과 재생량이 버프됨(대략 20% 증가).

The average maximum velocity across the class is going up by around 20m/s
모든 클래스에 걸쳐 최고 속도가 대략 20m/s 가량 증가함.

We hope in the end we have a more attractive class of ship overall and some exciting new ways to use Combat Recons. That said, there are still some issues we hoped to address before rebalancing this class, such as ECM, which simply weren't happening fast enough. We still feel good about making improvements to this class now and look forward to hearing what you guys have to say about it.
최종적으로 우리는 전체적으로 좀 더 매력적인 배를 갖게 되길 바라며 특히 컴뱃 리콘의 새로운 활용 방법에도 기대하고 있다. 이 함종 리밸런싱 하기 전에 하고 싶었지만, 제때에 맞추지 못해 아직 진행 중인 ECM 리밸런싱 문제 같은 문제도 여전히 남아있긴 하지만. 우리는 이 함종에 아직 추가적인 개선의 여지가 남아있다고 보며 이에 대해선 여러분의 의견을 듣고 고려할 생각이다.

EDIT: Updates chronicled in the post below

Here's the gritty stuff:

We decided that the Pilgrim really needed Nos/Neut range, rather than strength, to give it the engagement flexibility that other Recons enjoy.
우리는 필그림에게 단순히 노스/뉴트 빠와보다는 교전의 자유도 증가를 위해 사거리 증가가 좀 필요하다고 보았다.

Role Bonus:
80% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator liquid ozone consumption
50% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator duration
• Can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device and Covert Cynosural Field Generator
• Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds

Amarr Cruiser Bonuses:
7.5% bonus to strength of tracking disruptors
10% bonus to drone damage and hp

Recon Ships Bonuses:
20% bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer transfer range and 10% bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer strength(was 20% nos/neut strength)
20% reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement

Slot layout: 4H, 5M, 5L; 3 turrets, 0 launchers
Fittings: 1000 PWG(+50), 370 CPU(+20)
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 850(+62) / 1800 / 1050(+178)
Capacitor (amount / capacitor per second) : 1450(+190) / 4.39/s (+.75)
Mobility (max velocity / agility / align time): 198(+34) / .61(-.1) / 9.61s(-1.57s)
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 150
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 104km / 237 / 8(+1)
Sensor strength: 26(+2) Radar
Signature radius: 150(-6)


Role Bonus:
Cannot be detected by directional scanners

Amarr Cruiser Bonuses:
7.5% bonus to Tracking Disruptor effectiveness
10% bonus to Drone hitpoints and damage

Recon Ships Bonuses:
40% bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer transfer range
20% bonus to Energy Vampire and Energy Neutralizer transfer amount

Slot layout: 5H, 6M, 4L; 2 turrets, 4 launchers
Fittings: 900 PWG, 380 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1210(-187) / 1650 / 1075(+203)
Capacitor (amount / capacitor per second) : 1470(+220) / 4.46/s (+.83)
Mobility (max velocity / agility / align time): 205(+30) / .61(-.04) / 9.99s(-.66s)
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50 / 150
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 130km / 281 / 10
Sensor strength: 28 Radar
Signature radius: 145(-5)


Role Bonus:
80% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator liquid ozone consumption
50% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator duration
• Can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device and Covert Cynosural Field Generator
• Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds

Caldari Cruiser Bonuses:
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
10% reduction in ECM Target Jammer activation cost

Recon Ships Bonuses:
30% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
20% reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement

Slot layout: 4H, 7M, 3L; 3 turrets, 1 launchers
Fittings: 700 PWG, 500 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1750(+147) / 940(-16) / 945(+204)
Capacitor (amount / capacitor per second) : 1190(+96.25) / 3.7/s (+.52)
Mobility (max velocity / agility / align time): 192(+23) / .64(+.09) / 10.85s(+1.67s)
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 10 / 10
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 120km / 220 / 8(+1)
Sensor strength: 28 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 180


Role Bonus:
Cannot be detected by directional scanners

Caldari Cruiser Bonuses:
7.5% bonus to kinetic missile damage (was 5% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile Launcher rate of fire)
10% reduction in ECM Target Jammer activation cost

Recon Ships Bonuses:
30% bonus to ECM Target Jammer strength
10% bonus to Heavy Missile and Heavy Assault Missile max velocity

Slot layout: 5H, 7M, 3L; 2 turrets, 5 launchers
Fittings: 680 PWG(+80), 600 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 2050(+262) / 965(+9) / 960(+359)
Capacitor (amount / capacitor per second) : 1250(+187) / 3.93/s(+.83)
Mobility (max velocity / agility / align time): 194(+24) / .61 / 10.76s(-.04s)
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 25 / 25
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 150km / 259 / 10
Sensor strength: 32 Gravimetric
Signature radius: 170(-3)


Role Bonus:
80% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator liquid ozone consumption
50% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator duration
• Can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device and Covert Cynosural Field Generator
• Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds

Gallente Cruiser Bonuses:
5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness

Recon Ships Bonuses:
20% bonus to Warp Scrambler and Warp Disruptor optimal range
20% reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement

Slot layout: 4H, 6M, 4L; 3 turrets, 1 launchers
Fittings: 750 PWG, 420 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1180(+55) / 1430(+136) / 1080(+208)
Capacitor (amount / capacitor per second) : 1290(+133) / 3.98/s(+.61)
Mobility (max velocity / agility / align time): 207(+27) / .59(-.04) / 9.53s(-.74)
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 40 / 40
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 112km / 231 / 8(+1)
Sensor strength: 26 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 155(-7)


Role Bonus:
Cannot be detected by directional scanners

Gallente Cruiser Bonuses:
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret Tracking (was medium hybrid turret damage)
7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness

Recon Ships Bonuses:
20% bonus to Warp Scrambler and Warp Disruptor optimal range
10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret optimal range (was missile rate of fire)

Slot layout: 4H(-1), 7M, 4L(+1); 4 turrets(+1), 1 launchers
Fittings: 850(+50) PWG, 450 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1350(+225) / 1500(+94) / 1120(+248)
Capacitor (amount / capacitor per second) : 1315(+190) / 4.07/s(+.79)
Mobility (max velocity / agility / align time): 220(+29) / .56(-.04) / 9.37s(-.74)
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 50(+10) / 50(+10)
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 140km / 270 / 10
Sensor strength: 30 Magnetometric
Signature radius: 150(-5)


Role Bonus:
80% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator liquid ozone consumption
50% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator duration
• Can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device and Covert Cynosural Field Generator
• Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds

Minmatar Cruiser Bonuses:
10% bonus to Missile damage (was medium projectile turret rate of fire)
10% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness

Recon Ships Bonuses:
60% bonus to Stasis Webifier optimal range
20% reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement

Slot layout: 4H, 6M, 4L; 1 turrets, 3 launchers(+2)
Fittings: 750 PWG, 450 CPU(+30)
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1480(+158) / 1075(+6) / 850(-22)
Capacitor (amount / capacitor per second) : 1180(+86) / 3.56/s(+.38)
Mobility (max velocity / agility / align time): 230(+38) / .59 / 9.03s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 40 / 40
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 100km / 242 / 8(+1)
Sensor strength: 24 Ladar
Signature radius: 125(-7)


Role Bonus:
Cannot be detected by directional scanners

Minmatar Cruiser Bonuses:
5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret rate of fire
10% bonus to Target Painter effectiveness

Recon Ships Bonuses:
60% bonus to Stasis Webifier optimal range
5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret damage (was 5% missile rate of fire)

Slot layout: 5H(-1), 6M, 4L(+1); 4 turrets(+1), 1 launchers(-2)
Fittings: 750 PWG, 400 CPU
Defense (shields / armor / hull) : 1550(+228) / 1250(+69) / 875(+3)
Capacitor (amount / capacitor per second) : 1210(+147) / 3.66/s(+.57)
Mobility (max velocity / agility / align time): 240(+31) / .57 / 9.13s
Drones (bandwidth / bay): 40 / 40
Targeting (max targeting range / Scan Resolution / Max Locked targets): 125km / 303 / 10
Sensor strength: 28 Ladar
Signature radius: 120(-7)

posted by DGDragon 2014. 12. 29. 23:18

오리지널 포스트:

Okay, first major update just edited into the OP.

Major changes:

We're going to go with a lighter resist profile than originally described, setting all eight recons at the former combat recon resist profile. While we still like the goal of making them more fleet viable, their tank was one of their only stand-out weaknesses and we felt that removing it could make them oppressive at smaller scales. To compensate somewhat we've trimmed 5 more sig radius of each ship.

원래 예정했던 것보다 레지스트들을 더 떨어뜨리기로 했음. 정확하게는 현재 컴뱃 리콘의 레지스트급의 레지를 갖게 될 거임. 밸런싱의 목표가 플릿에서 이들이 더 흔하게 보이게 하는 건 맞지만, 얘들의 탱킹은 얘들의 유일한 약점이며, 이마저 없애버린다면 소규모 갱에선 얘들이 OP가 되어버릴 거임. 대신 각 배들의 시그니처를 평균 5 정도씩 깎음.

With the Pilgrim we decided to split the difference between neut range and strength by wrapping both into one bonus. The amounts will be smaller than either of the singular bonuses but this should do a nice job of giving more engagement range flexibility while still allowing for plenty of cap pressure.

뉴트의 보너스에, 거리 및 강도 보너스 모두 적용하기로 했음(역주: 현재는 레벨당 뉴트/노스양 20%만 있고, 이것을 초기 변경안에서 레벨당 거리 40%로 했다가, 거리보너스 20% / 양 보너스 10%로 변경됨). 뉴트의 거리는 줄어들었을지 몰라도 이런 적절한 보너스는 교전에 있어서 많은 자유도를 보장해줄 것임.

We are going to move one high slot on the Lachesis to a low slot, making armor slightly more viable while still preserving room in the mids for damps as well as long range warp disruption. The damage potential for the Lach is still on par with other combat recons even without the fifth high so we feel this fits better than giving up a mid.

라케시스의 하이슬롯 하나를 로우슬롯으로 옮겨, 미들의 댐프를 위한 슬롯을 보장하면서도 좀 더 나은 탱킹을 보장하게 하려고 함. 5번째 하이 슬롯이 없어도 라케시스의 대미지 포텐셜은 여전히 다른 컴뱃 리콘보다 우월하며 우리는 이렇게 하는게 미들을 포기하는 것보다 나을 거라고 생각함.

The Rook is getting a little more PG fitting room and trading the 5% HAM/HML rate of fire bonus for a 7.5% kinetic missile damage bonus. This is typical Kaalakiota bonus, gives the same number of effective launchers, and favors RLML over the rate of fire bonus.

룩은 피팅을 위한 파워그리드를 더 갖게 될 것이며, HAM/HML 5% ROF 보너스를 7.5% 키네틱 미사일 대미지 보너스로 바꿀 거임. 이는 일반적인 Kaalakiota사 설계의 쉽보너스이며, 유효 런처수 기준 같은 피해량을 보장하는 수치임.

Finally, I will say again that the transparentional scan immunity is staying, though we are very aware of concerns (especially concerning FW site abuse) and will watch closely to see how this new capability is used and make any necessary adjustments.

마지막으로 다시 말하지만 디렉셔널 스캔 면역은 잔존함. 이에 대해 매우 걱정(특히 팩션워 사이트 어뷰즈)하는 건 알고 있고, 이 새 능력이 어떻게 활용되는지 바짝 붙어서 잘 볼거임.

Have a great Christmas o/

posted by DGDragon 2014. 12. 27. 16:00

표만 봐도 충분할 것 같으므로 번역 생략. 걍 복붙.

Hello Capsuleers!

This is CCP Terminus bringing you another devblog, this time covering our continuing Module Tiericide project. For reference to what the Module Tiericide project is all about and what that will mean to your modules please refer to CCP Fozzies previous devblog here: Rebalancing EVE, One Module at a Time. The Proteus release on January 13th will see the second round of this work, with changes to 10 different module types of various categories.


Module Naming

We’ve looked at the feedback from the renaming we did in the first module pass, and we agree we may have gone too far in stripping out the lore and history from modules. However, we still value the information given by the new module names, and as such we will be creating a hybrid naming structure incorporating the two.

Each name will now consist of three parts: [flavour name] [specialization name] [type name]

For example, the Type-D Altered SS Overdrive Injector and other meta 1-4 Overdrive Injectors will be combined and renamed the Type-D Restrained Overdrive Injector. This keeps some of the flavor name, while adding in the specialization name informing you of its focus.

In addition, All flavor names will be consistent if paired with a specialization name meaning all Type-D modules will be Restrained. This adds further consistency to the naming system and prevents knowledge of one naming section from conflicting with another.

These changes will be retroactively applied to modules which have gone through the tiericide process in the past to keep everything consistent.


Modules Affected This Round

There will be 10 modules types affected this round, which fall in to 4 basic types: Harvest Equipment, Hull Upgrades, Propulsion Upgrades, and Engineering Equipment.


Harvest Equipment

Mining Lasers

Mining Lasers have had the number of modules reduced significantly. In addition, some ease-of-use balancing has been done, for instance on the mining laser range, to make them easier and more intuitive to use for newer players.

Name Meta Powergrid Usage CPU Usage Activation Cost (GJ) Optimal Range (km) Duration (s) Mining Amount (m3)
Civilian Miner 0 2 65 20 10 60 30
Miner I 0 2 60 20 10 60 40
EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser 1 3 65 20 16 60 50
Particle Bore Compact Mining Laser 1 2 55 20 11 60 50
Miner II 5 4 80 70 12 60 60
Single Diode Basic Mining Laser 6 2 45 10 11 60 25
ORE Miner 8 4 80 70 16 60 65
Gallente Mining Laser 8 3 60 10 10 60 45


Mining Laser Upgrades

Mining Laser Upgrades (MLU) for both ore and ice have received the same treatment. Lower tier MLUs have been consolidated into one type. The two higher tier modules have been given storyline status to illustrate their rarity and strength, and given a 1% boost to their mining bonus. Drop rates and locations for the storyline modules have not changed.

MLUs - Ore

Name Meta Powergrid Usage CPU Usage CPU Penalty (%) Mining Amount Bonus (%)
Mining Laser Upgrade I 0 1 30 10 5
Elara Restrained Mining Laser Upgrade 1 1 35 8 8
Mining Laser Upgrade II 5 1 40 12.5 9
'Carpo' Mining Laser Upgrade 6 1 35 6 9
'Aoede' Mining Laser Upgrade 6 1 40 8 10


MLUs - Ice

Name Meta Powergrid Usage CPU Usage CPU Penalty (%) Cycle Time Bonus (%)
Ice Harvester Upgrade I 0 1 30 10 -5
Frigoris Restrained Ice Harvester Upgrade 1 1 35 8 -8
Ice Harvester Upgrade II 5 1 40 12.5 -9
'Anguis' Ice Harvester Upgrade 6 1 35 6 -9
'Ingenii' Ice Harvester Upgrade 6 1 40 8 -10


Hull Upgrades

Expanded Cargoholds

All Meta 0 Expanded Cargoholds (Alpha Hull Mod, Marked Modified SS, Partial Hull Conversion, Type-E Altered SS) will be consolidated into the 'Basic' Expanded Cargohold. Given the 'Basic' Expanded Cargohold has a lower Cargo Capacity bonus than all other Meta 0 Cargoholds (with the exception of the Marked Modified SS) of 17.5%, it is advised that you do not have a full cargohold with these modules fitted while in space on Proteus’ release.

In addition to the module tiericide, a new faction module has been added to the Expanded Cargohold lineup. This module will be available from the ORE LP store and/or as a drop.

Name Meta Structure Hitpoint Bonus (%) Cargo Capacity Bonus (%) Velocity Modifier (%)
Civilian Expanded Cargohold 0 -30 10 -20
Expanded Cargohold I 0 -25 17.50 -15
Type-D Restrained Expanded Cargo 1 -15 22.50 -13
Expanded Cargohold II 5 -20 27.50 -10
'Basic' Expanded Cargohold 6 -10 17.50 -20
Limited Expanded 'Archiver' Cargo I 6 -15 27.50 -10
ORE Expanded Cargohold 8 -20 29.00 -10


Nanofiber Internal Structures

In addition to the module tiericide, 'Basic' Nanofiber Internal Structures will be losing the Hull Upgrades I requirement. This keeps them in line with other 'Basic' modules by having low overall power, with low fitting and skill requirements.

Name Meta Skill Requirements Structure Hitpoint Bonus (%) Velocity Modifier (%) Inertia Modifier (%)
Nanofiber Internal Structure I 0 Mechanics I
Hull Upgrades I
-15 7.75 -13
Type-D Restrained Nanofiber Structure 1 Mechanics I
Hull Upgrades I
-10 8.50 -14.5
Nanofiber Internal Structure II 5 Mechanics I
Hull Upgrades II
-20 9.50 -15.75
'Basic' Nanofiber Internal Structure 6 Mechanics I -5 5.25 -10.25
Synthetic Hull Conversion Nanofiber Structure 8 Mechanics I
Hull Upgrades I
-10 8.75 -15.5
Domination Nanofiber Structure 8 Mechanics I
Hull Upgrades I
-15 9.50 -16
Republic Fleet Nanofiber Structure 8 Mechanics I
Hull Upgrades I
-15 9.50 -16


Reinforced Bulkheads

The most significant changes to Reinforced Bulkhead balance will be the slight increase in the Inertial Modifier. This penalty will be increasing slightly in order to add more significance to the stat and allow for greater variance. All modules still fall between the 1% and 5% Inertial Modifier increase. Reinforced Bulkheads II gain the largest penalty from this, keeping with the theme of Tech II modules having the most power outside of faction and storyline modules, but with the largest drawbacks. In addition to the rebalancing, two new faction modules have been added to the Reinforced Bulkhead lineup. These module will be available from their appropriate LP Store and/or as drops.

Name Meta Powergrid Usage CPU Usage Structure Hitpoint Bonus (%) Cargo Capacity Bonus (%) Inertia Modifier (%)
Reinforced Bulkheads I 0 1 35 15 -10 3
Mark I Compact Reinforced Bulkheads 1 1 25 18 -7 3
Type-D Restrained Reinforced Bulkheads 1 1 35 18 -5 1
Reinforced Bulkheads II 5 1 40 25 -11 5
'Basic' Reinforced Bulkheads 6 1 15 10 -5 1
Synthetic Hull Conversion Reinforced Bulkheads 6 1 20 20 -5 3
ORE Reinforced Bulkheads 8 1 35 27 -6 4
Syndicate Reinforced Bulkheads 8 1 35 27 -10 2



Propulsion Upgrades

Inertial Stabilizers

In addition to the module tiericide, two new faction modules have been added to the Inertial Stabilizers lineup. These module will be available from their appropriate LP Store and/or as drops.

Name Meta Signature Radius Bonus (%) Inertia Modifier (%)
Inertia Stabilizers I 0 10 -16.75
Type-D Restrained Inertial Stabilizers 1 9 -18.50
Inertia Stabilizers II 5 11 -20.00
'Basic' Inertia Stabilizers 6 5 -14.00
Synthetic Hull Conversion Inertia Stabilizers 6 6 -20.00
Domination Inertial Stabilizers 8 7 -20.50
Shadow Serpentis Inertial Stabilizers 8 10 -21.50


Overdrive Injectors

Name Meta Cargo Capacity Bonus (%) Velocity Modifier (%)
Overdrive Injector System I 0 -15 10.50
Type-D Restrained Overdrive Injector 1 -10 11.75
Overdrive Injector System II 5 -20 12.50
'Basic' Overdrive Injector System 6 -1 6.00
Synthetic Hull Conversion Overdrive Injector 6 -3 12.00
Domination Overdrive Injector 8 -5 12.50
Republic Fleet Overdrive Injector 8 -5 12.50



Engineering Equipment

Power Diagnostic Systems

Name Meta Level CPU Shield Recharge Rate Bonus (%) Shield Hitpoint Bonus (%) Capacitor Recharge Rate Bonus (%) Powergrid Bonus (%) Capacitor Capacity Bonus (%)
Power Diagnostic System I 0 20 7.5 4 7.5 5 4
Mark I Compact Power Diagnostic System 1 17 8 4.5 8 5.5 4.5
Power Diagnostic System II 5 22 8.5 5 8.5 6 5
'Basic' Power Diagnostic System 6 8 5 2 5 2.5 2
'Cartel' Power Diagnostic System I 6 10 8.5 5 8.5 5.5 5
Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System 8 16 8.8 6 8.5 7.5 5
Thukker Power Diagnostic System 8 16 8.8 6 8.5 7.5 5
Shadow Serpentis Power Diagnostic System 8 16 8.5 5 8.8 7.5 6
Ammatar Navy Power Diagnostic System 8 16 8.5 5 8.8 7.5 6
Dark Blood Power Diagnostic System 8 16 8.5 5 8.8 7.5 6
True Sansha Power Diagnostic System 8 16 8.5 5 8.8 7.5 6
Brokara's Modified Power Diagnostic System 11 18 10.7875 6.25 10.7875 7.875 6.25
Brynn's Modified Power Diagnostic System 11 18 10.7875 6.25 10.7875 7.875 6.25
Tairei's Modified Power Diagnostic System 11 18 10.7875 6.25 10.7875 7.875 6.25
Raysere's Modified Power Diagnostic System 12 20 13.075 6.5 13.075 8.25 6.5
Selynne's Modified Power Diagnostic System 12 20 13.075 6.5 13.075 8.25 6.5
Tuvan's Modified Power Diagnostic System 12 20 13.075 6.5 13.075 8.25 6.5
Ahremen's Modified Power Diagnostic System 13 22 15.3625 6.75 15.3625 8.625 6.75
Setele's Modified Power Diagnostic System 13 22 15.3625 6.75 15.3625 8.625 6.75
Vizan's Modified Power Diagnostic System 13 22 15.3625 6.75 15.3625 8.625 6.75
Chelm's Modified Power Diagnostic System 14 24 17.65 7 17.65 9 7
Cormack's Modified Power Diagnostic System 14 24 17.65 7 17.65 9 7
Draclira's Modified Power Diagnostic System 14 24 17.65 7 17.65 9 7


Capacitor Power Relays

Name Meta Level CPU Shield Boost Bonus (%) Capacitor Recharge Rate Bonus (%)
Capacitor Power Relay I 0 4 -10 20
Type-D Restrained Capacitor Power Relay 1 4 -10 22
Mark I Compact Capacitor Power Relay 1 2 -8 22
Capacitor Power Relay II 5 8 -11 24
'Basic' Capacitor Power Relay 6 1 -5 10
'Motte' Capacitor Power Relay I 6 2 -7 25
Ammatar Navy Capacitor Power Relay 8 4 -8 25
Dark Blood Capacitor Power Relay 8 4 -8 25
Imperial Navy Capacitor Power Relay 8 4 -8 25
Khanid Navy Capacitor Power Relay 8 4 -8 25
True Sansha Capacitor Power Relay 8 4 -8 25
Brokara's Modified Capacitor Power Relay 11 8 -10.5 26.875
Tairei's Modified Capacitor Power Relay 11 8 -10.5 26.875
Raysere's Modified Capacitor Power Relay 12 12 -11 28.75
Selynne#39;s Modified Capacitor Power Relay 12 12 -11 28.75
Ahremen's Modified Capacitor Power Relay 13 16 -11.5 30.625
Makur's Modified Capacitor Power Relay 11 16 -10.5 30.625
Vizan's Modified Capacitor Power Relay 13 16 -11.5 30.625
Chelm's Modified Capacitor Power Relay 14 20 -12 32.5
Draclira's Modified Capacitor Power Relay 14 20 -12 32.5


Capacitor Rechargers

Name Meta Level CPU Capacitor Recharge Rate Bonus (%)
Cap Recharger I 0 10 15
Eutectic Compact Cap Recharger 1 8 17.5
Cap Recharger II 5 15 20
'Basic' Capacitor Recharger 0 4 12
'Palisade' Cap Recharger I 6 8 20
Ammatar Navy Cap Recharger 8 10 21
Dark Blood Cap Recharger 8 10 21
Imperial Navy Cap Recharger 8 10 21
Khanid Navy Cap Recharger 8 10 21
True Sansha Cap Recharger 8 10 21
Brokara's Modified Cap Recharger 11 15 24
Tairei's Modified Cap Recharger 11 15 24
Raysere's Modified Cap Recharger 12 18 28
Selynne's Modified Cap Recharger 12 18 28
Ahremen's Modified Cap Recharger 13 20 32
Vizan's Modified Cap Recharger 13 20 32
Chelm's Modified Cap Recharger 14 23 36
Draclira's Modified Cap Recharger 14 23 36


We will be taking feedback into account for all modules and there may be some further changes between now and the release of Proteus based on this feedback. As always, we hope you’ve enjoyed running through these changes with us, and we look forward to hearing what you have to say in the comments.

- CCP Terminus and the whole CCP Module Taskforce