'2020/05/17'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2020.05.17 [이브 온라인] NetEase, WoW, Eve Online
posted by DGDragon 2020. 5. 17. 16:07


와우 중국 서버 유저가 레딧에 도움!을 침

금전 만능 주의로 타 유저에게 마음껏 피해를 주며 게임하는 플레이가 성행하고 있으며 퍼블리셔인 넷이즈는 아무것도 하지 않는다는 내용임


넷이즈는 이브 온라인의 중국 서버 세레니티의 서비스 제공자이며



CCP Games and NetEase Games Certified to Publish EVE Online in China

The universe of New Eden to reopen for Chinese players, Open Beta launching soon


이브 온라인의 모바일판인 이브 에코의 개발자이기도 한데



EVE Echoes - Google Play 앱

EVE Echoes is a next-gen mobile spaceship MMO game based upon hallmark EVE Online design principles. In EVE Echoes, players will be able to forge their own path to glory within a massive space sandbox environment, forming alliances with other pilots from a


두 서비스의 앞날이 참으로 기대됨.