posted by DGDragon 2013. 8. 17. 13:36

Hi all,

In Odyssey 1.1. my team, Team Pony Express, will be adding the Radial Menu here and there, and also making a few other changes to it. We have also been working on some other small UI changes:

Radial Menu added to:

Members in Fleet Watchlist

Fleet members (oops, I forgot to add it to the flat list, will fix lies, it is there )

On squares in route

On system name in "next in route" (radial menu for the stargate there, allows you to jump to the system)

Bookmarks in People & Places (or window popped out from one of the bookmark folders)

Bookmarks in system map

Changes we are making for the Radial Menu:

Added a small icon on Radial Menu options that are range options so it's clearer they are different

Added indicators to show what item the radial menu is open on (for brackets it's a whitish cirlce, entries in list it's a highlight)

Set Destination is now primary action for Asteroids, Stations, Solarsystems, Moons, Planets, Stargates when they are not in current system (accessible through bookmarks in People & Places)

Removed "Bookmark" from Drones

Fixed duplicate options on Drones

Warping to fleet members now works

If the clicking time is very short and the mouse does not move in that time(=radial menu is not used), the click will register as a click (for example to select a target when Radial Menu delay is 0... which is btw not recommended)

(maybe some other thins i'm forgetting now)

Drone changes:

Drones and dronegroups can be dragged from "Drones in Bay" folder onto "Drones in Local Space" folder to be launched

Drones and dronegroups can be dragged from "Drones in Local Space" folder onto "Drones in Bay" folder to be pulled in

Drones can be dragged into groups (as long as they can be grouped with the ones that are there already)... if the drone and the group you dragged it on are not in the same place, the drone will be launched/picked up and moved to the group

Main drone groups ( "Drones in Bay" and "Drones in Local Space") will no longer randomly collapse

Opacity of sub groups has been reduced

Sorting of drones and drone groups has been changed... now first all the groupless drones are listed in alphabetical order, and then all the groups (instead of alphabetical order where groupless drones would land between groups).

Other Changes:

Now possible to drag skills from Info windows to skillqueue or any input field such as chat to create a link

Now possible to drag skills from charactersheet to input fields to create a link

Camera movement when jumping has been smoothed out a lot

Attributes and their values in Info windows are now listed in one line, making the values easier to read

We are still working on some things... and when the time is right I will probably update this thread, but until then I should probably not say too much.

Please give those things a try and let us know what you think.

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