posted by DGDragon 2014. 11. 7. 21:06

주의사항: 본 데블로그는 포이베 대상이며, 따라서 포이베 릴리즈가 아니라고 명기된 것 외에는 포이베에 이미 적용된 사항들임.

We're currently in talks regarding the Escalation distances. If anything changes we'll let you know.

Update: Escalation jump distances have been reduced from 4 to 20 systems (min / max) down to 2 to 10.

에스컬레이션의 점프 거리가 최소 4, 최대 20 성계에서 최소 2, 최대 10 성계로 감소함.

A 'boss' loot rebalance pass in currently in progress. 

에스컬레이션의 '보스'의 룻 리밸런싱은 작업 중.

For the Sansha sites I've boosted the drop potential of other items to accommodate this.

산샤 사이트에는 팩션 고유 룻이 없으므로 그만큼의 다른 아이템을 더 드랍하게 함.

Max Kolonko wrote:

Does introduction of null sites in wh means there will be more sites in c1-3 at any given time or just more variety? 

Will those sites spawn independently from normal wh spawn mechanic or will sites there just spawn from larger poll?

Adding the null sec sites to the WH distribution lists just means that there will be more sites in these WH classes.

Q: 널섹 사이트가 C1~C3에서 리스폰된다는 건 그냥 사이트가 그만큼 '다양'해진다는 건지 아니면 기존 사이트에 널 사이트를 추가해서 그만큼 사이트의 수 자체가 늘어난다는 건지?

A: 수가 많아짐.

CCP RedDawn wrote:

Little update for you all as things progress.

I've lowered the volume of the following items to 0.1:

Electric Conduit 

Mechanic Parts 

Positron Cord 

Electronic Link 

Spare Parts 

Auxilliary Parts 

Current Amplifier 

Second-Hand Parts 

Energy Cells 

Force Cable 

Power Couplings 

Heat Depressor 

Construction Alloy 

Elemental Crux 

Armor Blocks 

Data Processor 

Analogue Panel

Computer Chips 

Internal Bulkhead 

Mainframe Bit 

Carbon has been lowered to 0.01.

Expedition/Escalation jump ranges have been decreased from 4 to 20 (min max), down to 2 to 10.

I'm also adding in some Science skill books to the data sites and looking into the usages of the most commonly dropped Data site loot. 

이하 아이템의 부피가 0.1이 됨:

Electric Conduit 

Mechanic Parts 

Positron Cord 

Electronic Link 

Spare Parts 

Auxilliary Parts 

Current Amplifier 

Second-Hand Parts 

Energy Cells 

Force Cable 

Power Couplings 

Heat Depressor 

Construction Alloy 

Elemental Crux 

Armor Blocks 

Data Processor 

Analogue Panel

Computer Chips 

Internal Bulkhead 

Mainframe Bit 

Carbon은 0.01이 됨.

데이터 사이트에서 사이언스 계열 스킬북이 드랍됨.

Another update for you.

All of the new Generic Decryptors will have a volume of 0.1m3.

모든 새 제네릭 디크립터의 부피가 0.1이 됨.

Looking at boss loot tables today - reducing the % chance of a 0 loot drop

보스 룻 테이블 수정 - 0 룻 드랍 확률을 줄임.

Q: '보스'는 뭘 의미하는 거임?


High-Security Containment Facility [Metadrones - LMH-M-2 - B]

Research and Development Laboratories [Metadrones - LMH-M-2 - F]

High-Security Containment Facility [Metadrones - LMH-M-2 - N]

The Antimatter Channeler

Angel Fleet Outpost

Shadow Coreli Antagonist

The Battlestation Admiral

Hashi Keptzh

Cartel Research Outpost

Angel Colonel

Angels Retirement Home

Blood Research Outpost

Dark Blood Hunter

Blood Raider Fleet Stronghold

Dark Blood Archbishop

Dark Blood Apostle

Dark Blood Harbinger

Blood Raider Central Bastion


Blood Raider Fleet Outpost

Motoh Olin

Jols Eytur

Serpentis Drug Carrier

Angel Retention Facility

Station Ultima

Gistii Domination Scavenger

Black Caesar

Oushii Torun

Quertah Bleu

Crimson Lord

Blood Raider Fleet Outpost

Naberius Marquis

High-Security Containment Facility [Metadrones - LMH-A-2 - B]

Research and Development Laboratories [Metadrones - LMH-A-2 - F]

High-Security Containment Facility [Metadrones - LMH-A-2 - N]

High-Security Containment Facility [Metadrones - LMH-C-2 - B]

Research and Development Laboratories [Metadrones - LMH-C-2 - F]

High-Security Containment Facility [Metadrones - LMH-C-2 - N]

High-Security Containment Facility [Metadrones - LMH-G-2 - B]

Research and Development Laboratories [Metadrones - LMH-G-2 - F]

High-Security Containment Facility [Metadrones - LMH-G-2 - N]

Nikmar Eitan

Guristas Fleet Outpost

Gamat Hakoot

Dark Corpus Preacher

Shadow Corelum Infantry

Corpii Monk

High Ritualist Padio Atour

Vlye Cadille

Captain Blood Raven

Marin Matola

Dread Guristas Commanding Officer

Dread Pithum Vindicator

Dini Mator

Guristas Distributor

Guristas Research Outpost

Dread Guristas Colonel

Radiating Telescope

Captive Fighting Arena

True Centum General

Dread Pith Protagonist

Hive Overseer

Serpentis Prankster

Gurista Special Acquirement Captain

Colony Captain

Rogue Production Captain

Blood Factory Overseer

Rogue Drone Liaisons Captain

Elgur Erinn

Radiant Hive Mother

Hive Logistic Captain

Inner Sanctum

Centus Colony General

Terrorist Overlord Inzi Kika

Gist Domination Murderer

Kuari Strain Mother

Jorun 'Red Legs' Greaves

Haruo Wako

'Screaming' Dewak Humfry

Rogue Drone Logistic Overseer

Dark Templar Uthius

Gistum Domination Racer

True Sansha Archduke

Sansha Research Outpost

Sansha's Nation Central Bastion

Kazah Durn

Overseer Skomener Effotber

Centus Black Ops Commander

Slave Ation09

True Sansha's Colonel

Dark Corpum Believer

Sarpati Family Enforcer

Serpentis Fleet Stronghold

Uehiro Katsen

Serpentis Supply Stronghold

Guristas Research Outpost

Shadow Serpentis Big Boss

Phi-Operation Protector

Shadow Serpentis Colonel

Serpentis Administration Facility

Privateer Admiral Heysus Sarpati

Serpentis Fleet Outpost

True Centus Preacher

True Centii Revelator

Eha Hidaiki

Kaerleiks Bjorn

Einhas Malak

Shadow Grand Admiral

Dread Guristas Envoy_destroyer

Colonial Master Diabolus Maytor

Angel Transport

Guristas Fleet Stronghold

Secret Angel Facility

Corpus Messiah

Dread Pithi Terminator

Hierarchy Hive Queen

Suard Fish

Sansha Shipyard Foreman

Sansha's Battletower

While you're messing with the loot drops could you rebalance these NPC's to be sufficiently challenging and "boss like". Some of these are just terribly weak to fight against. I want to have a real boss fight with these guys.

Q: 이 NPC들을 리밸런싱 해서 좀 더 도전 가치가 있는 '보스다운' 애들로 바꿔줄 순 없는지? 몇놈은 정말 너무 약함. 난 얘들과 진짜 싸움을 하고 싶음.

We are getting quite close to release now and unfortunately, I have yet to conquer my need to sleep at least 6 hours a night ;) I will keep this in mind though, we have a lot of NPCs that could use a rebalance not just these boss ones. However, my team are working on improving our NPC authoring tools at the moment and hopefully in the near future we can take on a bigger rebalance task. 

A: 우리에겐 릴리즈 때가 다가오고 있고 불행히도 나는 아직 하루에 6시간 자야 하는 수면욕구를 정복하지 못함. 물론 나는 이걸 기억할 거고, 우리에겐 이 보스들 외에도 수많은 리밸런싱이 필요한 NPC들이 많음. 그러나 우리 팀은 NPC 조절 툴을 향상시키는 중이고 조만간 대규모 리밸런싱 작업을 할 수 있을 걸로 봄.

(역주: 보스 몹 리밸런싱하는데 수면시간 얘기까지 나오다니)

Another tiny update:

The volume of all Datacores has also been lowered from 1.0m3 to 0.1m3.

모든 데이터코어의 부피가 1.0에서 0.1로 감소함

That was a request from Corbexx at the CSM Summit :) you should thank him!

널섹 사이트를 C1~C3 웜홀에도 나오게 하는 것은 CSM 서밋에서 Corbexx가 요청한 사항이었음. 그에게 고마워하셈

For the expeditions themselves, their potential to spawn has been increased and their 'bosses' (found in the last part of the expedition) have had their loot tables buffed.

Spawn paths have not been adjusted, so that means that the same expeditions will still occur from the same dungeons to keep things familiar.

I'll have a look through the sites now for the MWD issue and fix them as I go.

아노말리 털다가 나오는 에스컬 자신에 대해선, 에스컬의 스폰 확률이 증가했고, 그들의 보스(에스컬 최후에 등장하는 적)의 룻 테이블도 버프먹음.

스폰 경로는 수정되지 않았음(역주: 같은 아노말리 / 데드를 털면 같은 에스컬이 나옴).

블러드 레이더의 3/10에서 MWD가 안 켜지는 건은 확인 후 수정하겠음.

Expeditions are now displayed in the Journal by their main title, not their description. (Eg: Angel Kickbacks)

You can still view the description by right clicking on the Journal entry and selecting View Details.

에스컬이 저널에서 설명문이 아니라 메인 타이틀로 표기됨.

여러분은 여전히 저널을 우클릭하거나 뷰 디테일로 설명문을 볼 수 있음.

One of the things we have on our list is to allow fleet commanders to warp the fleet into the expedition. This could be an addition to that. No guarantees though for Phoebe but it's on our backlog.

우리의 할 일 리스트에 있는 것 중 하나는 플릿 커맨더가 에스컬로 플릿 워프를 할 수 있게 하는 거임. 포이베에서 가능하다고 약속은 못하지만, 언젠가는 할 거임.

During the changes to the system jumps required to continue expeditions, we've also removed the code that forced expeditions to occur in lower sec systems than you received them in.

Thus, expeditions will check all systems within it's radius. 

Edit: Upping the completion timer is something on our backlog but will not be released with Phoebe.

(Initial design is to increase it to 48 hours)

에스컬이 연결될 때의 성계 이동 거리를 바꾸면서 우리는 새로 이동할 성계가 여러분이 에스컬을 받은 성계보다 시큐리티가 낮아야 한다는 제한을 없애버렸음.

따라서 에스컬은 거리 내의 모든 성계를 대상으로 체크함.

추가: 에스컬 완료 시간 제한 확장을 생각 중이나 포이베에서 릴리즈되지는 않을 거임(현재 디자인은 48시간)