posted by DGDragon 2014. 10. 16. 21:52

Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

Chainsaw Plankton wrote:

Chinicata Shihari wrote:

I know you wouldn't do this but just to show the facts

Spreadsheets are good for the mind

yes that is 2.43 millennium.

sooo tl;dr: in this blog, CCP doesn't understand exponential growth?

Q: CCP, 피로도의 지수 증가 이해못함?

(역주: 5LY로 계속 점프할 경우 10여번의 점프 이후 점프 타이머가 243만 시간이 되는 스프레드시트 링크)

The maths here are a fundamental part of the design.

A: 그 계산은 디자인의 기초적인 부분임.

KIller Wabbit wrote:

I'm having problems with the .1 wording as related to JF's. What would be the max JF LY range?

Q: JF의 최장 점프 거리가 얼마라고?

A: 5LY.

X ATM092 wrote:

It is theoretically possible to compound the fatigue up into years of jump delay with fewer than a dozen actual jumps, simply by not allowing the fatigue to decay between each early jump but rather jumping as soon as possible. After the first few days of decay make little difference because the decay is linear and the increase in fatigue is multiplicative. If you wanted to you could completely incapacitate a character with this, for example selling a titan toon on the bazaar which is disallowed from jumping for years.

Your decay formula needs to be modified to reduce a percentage of the total fatigue per hour, rather than a fixed amount.

Edit: I calculated 6VDT to VFK by Aeon to take a little over 7 months if you jumped as soon as possible each time (obviously it would take less time if you waited for the fatigue to decay to 0 after each first jump).

Q: 한 타스도 안 되는 횟수의 점프만으로도 년 단위가 되는 점프 딜레이는 너무 심한 거 같음. 그리고 년 단위로 점프 못하는 캐릭터가 바자에서 팔리는 경우도 있을 수 있고(역주: 바자에 새 룰 추가하면 그만이고 피로도 정보는 API로 제공하면 된다고 보는데).

피로도 감소를 고정 수치 대신에 일정 비율로 감소하도록 식을 바꾸는 게 좋아보임.

Reducing fatigue multiplicatively as a general rule works in the wrong direction for what we want - it means high fatigue decays faster than low fatigue, whereas if anything we want the opposite. We may need to introduce some kind of "overtime" decay past a certain point though, to keep it under control.

A: 피로도가 배율로 감소하는 것은, 높은 피로도일 때 낮은 피로도일 때보다 피로도가 더 많이 감소한다는 의미로 이는 우리가 원하는 기본 방향에서 어긋나는 것임. 향후, 피로도가 감소하기 시작해 일정 시간이 지나면 피로도의 "추가 감소"가 발생하는 방식을 적용할 수도 있겠지만.

what are the primary differences between cyno alts not being OK, and jump alts being OK, except that a jump alt requires more than 30 days of training?

Q: 점프 알트가 쓸만해지는데 30일 이상의 시간이 걸린다는 점을 제외하고, 사이노 알트가 점프 알트로 바뀌는 거 외에 다른 점이 있음?

a) Jump alts don't scale in a way that makes them actually practicable (one per ship per 10LY), and b) pilots are generally a stronger limiting factor than ships.

A: a) 점프 알트는 그들이 만드는 통로를 확장하지 않고(1명당, 1척씩, 10LY까지만(역주: 5LY씩 2번, 사이노 알트는 켜면 하나의 플릿이 통째로 지나가지만 점프 알트는 그렇지 않다는 의미) b) 파일럿은 일반적으로 배보다 강한 제한 요소임.

Retar Aveymone wrote:

The abolition of podjumping makes it massively difficult for our newbies to join us in Deklein. Has any thought been put into that?

CCP Greyscale wrote:

Yes, but it's a thing we're still not happy with the state of. We're going to discuss this specific issue more tomorrow, with the aim of coming up with a reasonable solution that deals with the newbie use case without opening the door to more general problems. Stay tuned for more info.

Sentinel Eeex wrote:

I really know very little about sov mechanics, but if I take your station and don't revoke your clone contracts (assuming that's possible), how exactly are you going to leave that station?

Q: 나는 소버린 메카닉에 대해 잘 모르긴 하지만, 만약 내가 스테이션을 먹은 뒤 클론 계약을 취소하지 않는다면(그게 가능하다면) 거기 클론을 둔 애들은 어떻게 탈출함?

...good point. Adding to the to-look-at list!

A: ...좋은 지적임. 고려할 리스트에 넣어두겠음.

TerminalSamurai Sunji wrote:

I'm just curious, if the plan is to reduce power projection, and the ship is what's being limited in jump range, why is the timer being attached to the pilot and not the ship? IE if a titan gets jumped, put the 'fatigue' timer on the actual ship. I'm not suggesting this as a fix, just that attaching a 'jump fatigue' to a character doesn't make much sense to me, where as I could understand a ships drives having to 'cool down' before re using them.

Can the current game mechanics allow a timer to be attached to a ship?

Q: 현재 게임 메카닉상 타이머의 제약을 배에 거는게 낫지 않음?

Reasoning here is that in most cases, pilots are a bigger bottleneck than ships - building a carrier chain to move your cap pilots around is simpler and more cost-effective than building an alt chain to move your carrier around. We could put a timer on both, but we'd rather keep it simple (plus it's really hard to persist things on ships that get repackaged).

As to the "fatigue" thing, there should be some more story coming out about this, but the word "fatigue" should give a pointer as to how we're going to explain it!

A: 대다수의 경우, 파일럿이 배보다 더 큰 병목임. 여러분의 파일럿을 위해 캐리어 체인을 만드는 건 여러분의 캐리어를 위해 알트 체인을 만드는 것보다 훨씬 싸고 간단함. 우리는 둘 다에 타이머를 부여하는 것도 가능하지만, 좀 더 간단한 상태로 두기로 했음(추가로 리패키지했을 때 그 상태를 유지하는 것도 골때림).

"피로도"에 대해선, 관련한 썰을 좀 풀 필요가 있는데, 그래도 일단 "피로도"라는 단어는 우리가 이것을 어떻게 설명해줄지를 적절히 짚고 있다고 봄.

Obsidian Hawk wrote:

How about this CCP Greyscale

Change the decay from 0.1 to 0.25. That is still a reasonable rate and will still keep capitals roaming slowly.

Rather than a 5 day cool down timer on some it will change it to about 2 days. Which is still a big hit to capital jumping...... But not as severe.

Dont go full blown harsh, do more like a kick to the shins and stepping on feet.

Q: 피로도 감소율을 0.1에서 0.25로 올리는 건 어떰?

Tuning the decay is definitely something we're open to.

A: 감소율 조정은 우리가 고려하고 있는 것 중 하나임.

Grendell wrote:

Question regarding supers. 

Are there plans to make them dockable or are you only looking to give them the ability to go through gates. Will Chribba, Dark and I be un-employed in the near future?

Q: 슈퍼캐피털들을 도킹 가능하게 만들 계획이 있음? 크리바, 다크, 나(역주: 글쓴이는 슈퍼캐피털 거래 서드 파티인 듯)는 조만간 백수되는거임?

Nope, no current plans.

A: 없음.

Makari Aeron wrote:

As it stands, I believe this plan, while interesting is going to kill off T2 production in EVE, especially nullsec. There is no possible way to move large quantities of moongoo easily anymore.

Q: 이대로 패치되면 이브의 T2 생산, 특히 널섹은 죽어버릴 거임. 문마를 하이섹으로 쉽게 나른다는 것이 불가능해짐.

It's going to have a significant impact, to be sure, and that's something we need to keep an eye on. At the same time, though, people built T2 ships and modules before jump freighters existed, so we're somewhat skeptical of the argument that that T2 construction is impossible without JFs.

A: 이는 확실히 중대한 충격이 될 것이며, 우리가 주시하는 부분임. 동시에, 사람들은 JF가 있기 전에도 T2 배와 모듈들을 만들어왔으며, 따라서 우리는 JF 없이 T2 생산이 완전히 불가능한가에 대해서 회의적임.

(역주: 어련하시겠어... 논리 갑이심. 사람들은 T2가 있기 전에도 이브를 했는데, 그럼 T2를 삭제해버려도 되겠네? 트리니티 이전에도 사람들은 이브를 했는데, 그래픽 업글 안 해도 되겠네?)

Cr Turist wrote:

how about a fixed cool down timer for capital jumps say 5-10 mins. forget this silly 5ly thing and all this other madness your talking about. its quick its easy it makes sense.

Q: 캐피털 점프간 쿨다운을 5-10분으로 하는게 어떰. 5LY 어쩌고 하는 거랑 나머지 이상한 소리 다 집어치우고. 간단하고 좋잖음.

To hit our target of being faster to gate-warp than to jump, and our benchmark of 3m/LY for gate-warping caps around, for a 17 LY carrier jump the cooldown would need to be 51 minutes.

A: 점프보다 게이트-워프 이동을 더 빠르게 하기 위한 우리의 목표치는 LY당 3분의 이동 시간이며, 때문에 캐리어로 17LY를 이동하는 것에 대한 쿨다운은 51분이 됨.